Dr. Goldfarb’s Top 11 Ways to Get Protein from Plants


11 foods that will help for a healthy lifestyle

If you are vegan, vegetarian, or just looking for some healthier foods to incorporate into your diet, Dr. G has you covered.  He has created for you a list of his favorite plant proteins that give you the nutrients you need for a healthy body, without relying on animal proteins.  See how these 11 foods can fit into your healthier lifestyle and all the amazing benefits they can provide!


1. Soybeans and Soy Products*

To get the most bang for your buck, eat tempeh, a fermented soy product that not only benefits digestive health but also contains 21 grams of protein in a half-cup. This soy-based patty is robust enough to replace meat in sandwiches or pasta dishes.  Tofu is a versatile ingredient that can be infused with a lot of flavor and add a great protein kick to any meal.  It is full of amino acids that your body needs to build proteins. Try edamame or immature soy beans steamed or boiled as a side dish or toss in with your salad. And how about dry toasted soy beans next time you feel the munchies.

2. Quinoa

These seeds may be tiny, but they are a true superfood!  They are chock full of amino acids and just one cup can give you up to 20% of your daily recommended fiber.  Try serving quinoi instead of rice or pasta. Add sauteed mushrooms and onions for a tasty pilaf. Or make a quinoa salad – toss with diced red onion, tomatoes, and cucumbers. Throw in some chickpeas or cashews and toss with lemon juice and olive oil.  Quinoa is also tasty in soups.

3. Lentils

At 18 grams of protein per cooked cup (240 ml), lentils are a great source of protein.  Lentils are delicious in soups and salads and can also be used to replace meat in burgers, chili, and tacos. Add lentil loaf to your dinner rotation.

4. Peas and Pea Protein Powder

While we don’t usually think of vegetables as a protein, peas actually have a whopping 9 grams in a 1 cup serving. When peas are dried and ground, the fiber and starch can be removed to form pea protein powder which is packed with protein. Throw in a scoop to your next smoothie and add up to 24 grams of protein depending on the brand.

Chia Seeds

If you add just two tablespoons of chia seeds to your meal, you have just given yourself 6 grams of protein and a good amount of omega-3 fatty acids.  Try adding it to your yogurt for a morning boost or throw some in to your next smoothie.  You will notice that chia seeds become gel like when they absorb water so you can even use them to make a pudding like dessert!

5. Chick Peas and Most Varieties of  Beans

If you are a fan of salsa, chili and southwest style cuisine, look no further than black beans as your go-to source of protein!

Garbanzo beans or chick peas can be roasted with some garlic powder or turmeric for a yummy snack or combined with tehini to make hummus which is not only delicious but a complete protein as well.

Beans can be added to soups or stews or blended to make dips and sauces. Beans are super versatile making them the perfect  way to add more vegetable protein to your diet.

Sunflower and pumpkin seeds

These tasty seeds contain a whopping 6-7 grams of protein in every once (about 3 tablespoons)  They are a delicious snack that you can add to baked goods or trail mix.  Try  adding to your cereal and salads or just eating by themselves.

Nuts and Nut Butters

Natural nut butters with no added sugar or artificial ingredients are a pure way to get your protein.  They are a creamy and delicious addition to your diet. When choosing which nuts and seeds to buy, keep in mind that blanching and roasting may damage the nutrients in nuts. So reach for raw, unblanched versions whenever possible (68).

Also, try opting for natural nut butters to avoid the oil, sugar and excess salt often added to many household brand varieties.

6. Nutritional Yeast

This umami-flavored powder is a favorite amongst vegans everywhere and is often a main ingredient in vegan cheese.  A quarter cup has 8 grams of protein, and it is the only plant that provides you with vitamin B12.

You can use these amazing plant protein superfoods to give your meals a delicious energy boost. Be sure to ask Dr. G about other ways you can lead a healthier life, including his safe HCG diet that actually works.  Call today to learn more!

7. Hemp Seeds

hempseed contains 10 grams of complete, easily digestible protein per ounce (28 grams). That’s 50% more than chia seeds and flaxseeds

Sprinkle on your salads or morning cereal. Add to homemade protein bars or granola.